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Flex materiality assessment: methodology and key steps

Flex materiality assessment: methodology and key steps


  • Select and refine topics.
  • Select and interview stakeholders.
  • Synthesize and document.

Key steps

  • Assess environmental, social, and governance topics from various frameworks (see list below).
  • Identify topics with the greatest potential for impact and importance to your business and stakeholders.
  • Select internal and external stakeholders representing a wide range of functions, geographies and sectors.
  • Engage stakeholders to source input through in-depth interviews.
  • Analyze responses from stakeholders to determine material priorities.
  • Develop an approach to integrating material topics into our sustainability program.

Discovery: material issues

Survey these widely adopted frameworks to understand the key materiality issues to focus and report on:

Don’t forget to check out the sustainability reports issued by your peers.